This degree equips students with the relevant knowledge and skills to understand and respond effectively to changing demand patterns in the market.
المقررات المتاحة
This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners. Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python. This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.
Ethical frameworks
- Consequentialism: An ethical framework that considers the outcomes of actions
- Deontology: An ethical framework that considers absolute moral duties
- Virtue ethics: An ethical framework that considers what makes people the best they can be
- Utilitarianism: An ethical framework that considers what generates the best outcome for the greatest number of people
Communication Skills
Follow these steps to display images on the section card (card layout only)
Go to the course > click on the course setting > Course format setting > Format – Edwiser course formats > Choose layout – Card Layout > Section background image – Show background image to sections in card
Now navigate back to the course > Edit a section/topic > Add any image to section summary.
Once the images are added to each section, the section cards will look like this: